Today I am preparing to preach tomorrow. Pastor Reuben, Hermie (our student intern) and I are working our way through a series called, Transformed. It basically looks at various passages in the Bible that talk about change in our lives. A few weeks back I preached on Transformed by the Truth. I tried to talk about the role of truth in our lives and the need for a commitment to the same (just got done reading a short book by Michael Green on this general topic and found it very helpful). Tomorrow it is Transformed by Heaven. I dug through the pile of books by my bed that still need to be read and found Randy Alcorn's Heaven and once again reminded myself that this needs to move up through the pile to the top.
As I was reading I came across Hebrews 11:16 which says, "But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city." As I looked up I saw the sixty to seventy homes that are behind our house, very small, very simple. Some people are going to really appreciate that city.
Lord, as I preach your word about the wonders of the New Earth, please help me to communicate the little that I do comprehend as these people need the hope that it can bring.