Monday, January 05, 2015

Trip to Indonesia

Dear Friends, Supporters (both individuals and churches) and Family,

Carol, Mark and I just got back two days ago from one of the most wonderful trips we have ever taken.

  1. We got on a plane on December 23. We flew for one hour to Manila where we were met by Carol’s sister, Sharon and Sharon’s husband, Daryl. They took us to a nearby hotel where they had a room and we stowed our carry-on bags. We then went to a nearby mall, ate lunch, had coffee and talked. We returned to their room, watched some TV and they took us back to the airport. Did I say we had a great time? We did!
  2. We then boarded a plane for the three plus hour flight from Manila to Jakarta. We arrived at midnight. Got our bags, went through immigration and customs and got a taxi for the domestic terminal. We got there several hours before the ticket agents arrived so we sat down, and I realized I left my iPad and a book on the previous plane. Took a taxi back to international where the Philippine Airline personnel were very helpful and found everything at the Lost and Found. Isn’t it nice when things work out!
  3. We checked in and went to the gate, boarded our flight from Jakarta to Semarang (only about an hour) and our son, Michael, met us outside luggage. We rode in a “taxi” for one hour through the beautiful countryside of Central Java to the town of Salatiga where Michael, Angie and their two children are living for this year as they work on learning Bahasa Indonesian.
  4. The next five days were spent talking, watching old movies, riding around their town, tasting Indonesian food (very good), going to church, hiking to see some old Hindu temples, learning the rythm of days which include the imam calling the faithful to prayer and just enjoying the grand children.
  5. We then, together with Michael, Angie and the grandkids, got in a “taxi” and went back to Semarang where all seven  of us got on a plane for a one hour flight back to Jakarta.
  6. We ate “junk” food; went to a large beachside recreation center; got drenched in a tropical downpour; walked around a beautiful mall; and talked at the guest house.
  7. January 1 came very soon and we took a taxi back to the Jakarta airport, checked in and flew back to the Philippines. We arrived back home in Cebu on the morning of January 2.

Some initial reflections:

  • You really do need to learn Indonesian to live there. You can get by with English here but to be effective at all, you need to learn Bahasa Indonesian.
  • We are so proud of Michael and Angie and the progress they have made in six short months.
  • We are thrilled with seeing how they have made friends in that culture and their awareness of the culture around them.
  • The grand kids are doing well. Are they perfect? Of course not, but they are precious! They are going to school at a great school and making good progress, as well.

Some requests:

  • Please pray for Michael, Angie, Colton (6) and Macie (4) as they make further adjustments to culture and langauge.
  • Please join with us in thanking God for this excellent opportunity we enjoyed with our children. I never dreamed I would be going to see my grandchildren in Indonesia.
  • Please thank God with us that our daughter, Katy, just heard that her friend was able to get her car running. It is a 20 year old Honda that was stolen just before Christmas. It was recovered and of course they stole the visors, glovebox (?) and the rug. They also cut part of the wiring harness and that is why it would not start. But now, thanks to answered prayer and her friend's skills, she will be able to drive again.

Thank you for praying for us, contributing to our finances and being interested in what we do.

In His service and yours,

Vance, Carol and Mark

The Johnsons

Serving in the Philippines with Reachglobal, the international outreach arm of the Evangelical Free Church of America.

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