Hello from the Philippines!
This is Vance Johnson and I want to update you on some very exciting things that are happening!
Many prayed for the ReachGlobal Asia Division Conference that Carol and I attended from February 14-20. We had a marvelous time, in all respects.
- We were able to relax and rest!
- We were able to spend time with co-workers that we only see every two years or so, very special.
- We were ministered to by a wonderful group of people from Faith Evangelical Free Church, Allentown PA.
- We enjoyed excellent times of prayer with and for our co-workers which was all enhanced by receiving a booklet for use in our prayer time at home. With 200 in attendance, that was very strategic.
- We enjoyed an afternoon of “Olympics” with other missionaries in which care was taken to include everyone!
- We enjoyed several full afternoons of excellent seminars which spoke to Carol and I in powerful ways (retirement planning, integrity in ministry, marriage and many more).
- We were challenged each morning from the Word of God by the leaders of the mission.
Vance came home with a souvenir upper respitory infection which is now under control. I thought that was going to be with me for a very long time.
While we were in Thailand (the location of the conference) we talked to several leaders in the mission about starting a Global Fingerprints project for the area of the Philippines that was hit twice by typhoons in the past eighteen months. This is a child sponsorship program that our mission has put together to link donors in the United States who would like to make an impact in a child’s life.
We still need to figure out the mechanics, supervision and administration but in short it is something like this: $35.00 per month will help a child in the Philippines go to school, purchase school needs, get minimal health care assistance and some assistance with food.
We are not ready to roll this out but we would appreciate prayer for the following:
- That the project would gain favor with the national partner so that they can be the organization to facilitate the administration and selection process. In a country with 100 million people, half of whom are under fifteen years of age, this could quickly get to be very difficult. Pray for wisdom.
- That the project would gain favor with donors who want to sponsor a child.
Thank you for praying for these!
Please remember the upcoming events which I am listing below, not in order of importance but order of occurrence.
- Vance’s students take final exams: March 9-20
- We begin transferring to our new apartment: March 12-March 30
- Mark’s Spring Break with us: March 16-23
- Family Garage sale: March 21 (our new apartment is much smaller!)
- Evangelical Theological College Graduation: March 22
- We finish moving to our apartment before: April 1
- Harvest Community Church (our church) Family Outing: April 2-5
- Vance’s last Faith Academy Board Meeting (10 years): May 4
- EFCP (our partner) National Conference: May 12-14
- Annette, Bert and Heidi (Carol’s sister’s family with us in Cebu: May 17-20
- Vance and Carol go to Manila for Mark’s High School Graduation: May 20
- Mark’s High School Graduation: May 25
- Mark, Carol and Vance get on a plane bound for Seattle: May 26.
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